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Are You Struggling to Get Enough Done at Work? 8 Ways Work Smarter – Not Harder
Not getting enough done at work? Feeling sorely behind? Caught between wanting success and lacking work-life balance? Do you just want a little more time? One thing is true. We can’t manufacture more time.

Redefining Your Relationship With Time: 10 Strategies for Maximizing Your Day
Our relationship with time can be a complex one. Sometimes we ignore it when it's abundant, yearn for more when it's scarce, or even get frustrated when it doesn't align with our desires. We might find ourselves dwelling on the past or fixating on the future instead of being present in the moment. Relationship status: complicated.

6 Easy Self-Care Tips that Take Less than 10 Minutes
Let me guess. When you are stressed out, you are less likely to take good care of yourself. You know that self-care is most essential when you are stressed, overwhelmed, tired, or under pressure. But it also seems that when you need self-care, you don’t have any time.

How We Fail To Create New Habits — and What Works Better
When we begin to think about make positive changes, a little dialogue in our head emerges that might sound like this:
“If I am truly going to change then I need to finally be more determined and truly make the changes that are needed – big changes – or else it will never happen. And frankly, I’m not going to even try unless I can do it right. Once I finally make the big changes that are needed, I will finally see the change I hope for.”

Make the Holidays Work for You: Your 16-Tip Guide to Beat the Stress, Relax, and Recharge
A guide to help you through this time of year so you can arrive to January feeling rested, de-stressed, and happy with your holiday celebration. Even if you get swept up into the holiday plans, there are plenty things you can do to design your holiday to work for you.

Work Smarter: Get Off Auto-Pilot and Create a Productive Work Day
How often do you end your work day thinking, “Wow, I just worked a whole lot, but didn’t get much done.”
You walk into work and face what feels like a tsunami of emails not to mention a totally packed calendar. Everyone requests your time. You open your email to dozens of requests that take you away from your core work. These emails flow in all day long – ping, ping, ping – asking for your time. People contact you for favors. You are invited to join meetings.
As your work piles up, you become more and more anxious. You try to multi-task but that just leaves you feeling even more overwhelmed. Your brain isn’t focused at all. Before long, your day is over. And nothing on your to-do list is scratched off.
This is a day on auto-pilot.

Create Your Own Brilliant Morning Routine – Grab Your FREE Workbook Here!
Always wondered if it would be possible to create a satisfying morning routine that helped you create great days? Answer: YES. The way you start your day can have a profound impact on your entire day. In fact, your morning routine can affect your entire life. I have seen the results in my own life, and you can do the same.

Setting Goals isn’t Enough: 6 Strategies to Get What You Want
Nearly every day, I talk with clients who are ready to finally tackle something important in their life. A better career. More connection with family. Better balance between life and work. Healthier relationships. Most often, they come to me because they weren’t able to move forward on these goals by themselves. I help them crack the nut on what it takes to achieve their goals.

End Overwhelm and Stress at Work: Mindfulness Practices that Take Less than 5 Minutes
How often do you face a tsunami of information at work? Nearly every day I bet. You open your email to dozens of requests that take you away from your core work. These emails flow in all day long – ping, ping, ping – asking for your time. As your work piles up, you become more and more anxious. You try to multitask but you are still overwhelmed. Your brain isn’t focused at all.
Before you know it, it is the end of the work day. You’ve accomplished little on your to-do list and feel drained and depleted.

Need More Time? Try these 23 Productivity Tips and Create More Time for You.
We talk about how time is our most precious commodity but we are anything but time productivity geeks. We treat time is as if we had infinite amounts, but we have no more than 24 hours every day – or 168 hours/week. These proven productivity tips will give you up to 10 extra hours a week to do anything you want. That’s crazy you say. What if I told you, it’s yours if you really want it? Read on.