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What do you want to explore today?

Peak Mental Fitness: Becoming Your Inner Jedi
What is going on when your brain is sabotaged? First and foremost, you feel a flood of negative emotions. And those emotions are driven by how you are thinking about the situation.

Your best strategies for dealing with challenging co-workers
One of the top issues I hear about from my clients is the ‘difficult’ co-worker. This is the person in your work life whose behavior so affects your day, it can eclipse everything else that is going on.
Difficult co-workers can be just about anyone at work. They can be show up as bullies, slackers, complainers, passive aggressive, or nit-pickers. We know who they are but we can feel powerless interacting with them.

It’s time for managers to focus on well-being – not just burnout.
Last year dealt a devastating blow to well-being. By December 2020, Americans who were considered their life to be ‘thriving’ hit a 12 year low. Americans rated their well-being at their lowest levels since the Great Recession of 2008.

Want to be more compatible with your co-workers? Know their communications style.
Workplace communication is probably one of the top issues I hear about as an executive coach. Managers who are dealing with staff that seem uncooperative. Staff who report bosses who pick favorites leaving them insecure. Team members who are unsuccessfully navigating challenging situations with co-workers.

Work Smarter: Get Off Auto-Pilot and Create a Productive Work Day
How often do you end your work day thinking, “Wow, I just worked a whole lot, but didn’t get much done.”
You walk into work and face what feels like a tsunami of emails not to mention a totally packed calendar. Everyone requests your time. You open your email to dozens of requests that take you away from your core work. These emails flow in all day long – ping, ping, ping – asking for your time. People contact you for favors. You are invited to join meetings.
As your work piles up, you become more and more anxious. You try to multi-task but that just leaves you feeling even more overwhelmed. Your brain isn’t focused at all. Before long, your day is over. And nothing on your to-do list is scratched off.
This is a day on auto-pilot.

End Overwhelm and Stress at Work: Mindfulness Practices that Take Less than 5 Minutes
How often do you face a tsunami of information at work? Nearly every day I bet. You open your email to dozens of requests that take you away from your core work. These emails flow in all day long – ping, ping, ping – asking for your time. As your work piles up, you become more and more anxious. You try to multitask but you are still overwhelmed. Your brain isn’t focused at all.
Before you know it, it is the end of the work day. You’ve accomplished little on your to-do list and feel drained and depleted.