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How to Transition from Languishing to Thriving at Work and Home

How to Transition from Languishing to Thriving at Work and Home

Languishing became a well-known term during the peak of the pandemic. As individuals found themselves confined to their homes, away from their workplaces and regular routines, many experienced what can best be described as a sense of "blah." It wasn't clinical depression or utter hopelessness; it was languishing.

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The real and surprising role of purpose in your conservation careeR
Career, Purpose, Personal Sustainability Danielle Droitsch Career, Purpose, Personal Sustainability Danielle Droitsch

The real and surprising role of purpose in your conservation careeR

As individuals immersed in the conservation and sustainability sector, we often find ourselves engrossed in the central mission of our organizations: clean air, clean water, healthy ecosystems, and a sustainable future. When asked about our purpose, we often begin by highlighting the vital work we do collectively. But what about our own personal purpose within this greater mission?

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The Power of the Work Break: What Might Surprise You

The Power of the Work Break: What Might Surprise You

Your days can easily drain you with constant meetings, endless emails, messages on your computer and phone, to-do lists, and more. Taking a break at work can boost your energy and productivity, giving you mental clarity while decreasing stress. But did you know that it matters how and when you take that break? And did you know that there are definite no-no’s when it comes to taking a break?

This is why being intentional about how and when you take breaks matters.

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Nurturing Personal Sustainability: Balancing Your Well-being While Saving the Planet
Personal Sustainability, Well-Being Danielle Droitsch Personal Sustainability, Well-Being Danielle Droitsch

Nurturing Personal Sustainability: Balancing Your Well-being While Saving the Planet

Are you dedicated to the environmental or sustainability sector, working tirelessly to solve the planet's most pressing issues? As you race to save the Earth, do you find it challenging to maintain your personal well-being and sustainability? Many in this sector are so committed to the global good that they neglect their own balance and happiness.

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From Scattered to Collected: 3 Steps to an Intentional Work Week
Personal Sustainability, Well-Being, Burnout Danielle Droitsch Personal Sustainability, Well-Being, Burnout Danielle Droitsch

From Scattered to Collected: 3 Steps to an Intentional Work Week

There is absolutely nothing like starting your work day feeling like you are about to be sucked into the vortex. Instead of YOU being in control, you succumb to the roller coaster of meetings and demands that are on your schedule. Before you know it, the week is over and you aren’t quite sure you got done anything you really intended.

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It’s time for managers to focus on well-being – not just burnout.

It’s time for managers to focus on well-being – not just burnout.

Last year dealt a devastating blow to well-being. By December 2020, Americans who were considered their life to be ‘thriving’ hit a 12 year low. Americans rated their well-being at their lowest levels since the Great Recession of 2008.

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Create Your Own Brilliant Morning Routine – Grab Your FREE Workbook Here!

Create Your Own Brilliant Morning Routine – Grab Your FREE Workbook Here!

Always wondered if it would be possible to create a satisfying morning routine that helped you create great days? Answer: YES. The way you start your day can have a profound impact on your entire day. In fact, your morning routine can affect your entire life. I have seen the results in my own life, and you can do the same.

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End Overwhelm and Stress at Work: Mindfulness Practices that Take Less than 5 Minutes

End Overwhelm and Stress at Work: Mindfulness Practices that Take Less than 5 Minutes

How often do you face a tsunami of information at work? Nearly every day I bet. You open your email to dozens of requests that take you away from your core work. These emails flow in all day long – ping, ping, ping – asking for your time. As your work piles up, you become more and more anxious. You try to multitask but you are still overwhelmed. Your brain isn’t focused at all.

Before you know it, it is the end of the work day. You’ve accomplished little on your to-do list and feel drained and depleted.

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